The weather was amazing today so Keith and I went to the park. We went for a walk first so that I could get some exercise, and then we stopped at the playground. He had a blast at the playground. The only problems are that he is all boy, loves to climb, has no fear, and wants to do everything himself. Needless to say we had a few falls, but no tears!
He was playing find mommy with me and the pole:)
This is an example of my all boy Keith. He decided he could get down only this way and all by himself. Of course he got down by falling on his stomach and face!
He got up, brushed off his hands, and went back to playing.
These "bells" make different sounds when you hit them and he kept trying to figure out how they made noises.
Here are some pictures from our walk. We had so much fun looking at the trees, finding different leaves, listening to birds, and watching sqirrels.We would find leaves and he would play with them and then throw them.
Here he is looking at be after throwing them, like "what, I didn't do anything".
After he throws all the leaves, he has to look to see where they all went.