Friday, October 12, 2007

Skeleton Boy

La La bought Keith this Halloween outfit and it was finally cool enough to wear it this morning. We went outside for a walk and then I let him run around a bit.

Jerry's mom bought Keith light up sneakers and here he is trying to figure them out.
He loves to chase me, and don't worry Mom no cars were around:)
Keith's new hobby is "playing golf". We got a used golf club set from my brother Jon and we have been hitting balls across the street. Now Keith has found his own club and "ball". He is using a fly swatter to hit a block! He starts off with a good grip and stance, then.....
He swings back and tries to hit the "ball", he usually misses and then......
He gets down right next to it and swings like crazy till he finally hits it!

1 comment:

Jared and Laurel said...

Oh my gosh! Those are the greatest pictures! I love the outfit, too. La La has good taste :)